A diduction of the true and catholik meaning of our Sauiour his words : this is my bodie, in the institution of his laste Supper through the ages of the Church from Christ to our owne daies. Whereunto is annexed a reply to M. William Reynolds in defence of M. Robert Bruce his arguments in this subiect: and displaying of M. Iohn Hammiltons ignorance and contradictions: with sundry absurdities following vpon the Romane interpretation of these words. Compiled by Alexander Hume Maister of the high schoole of Edinburgh

TitleA diduction of the true and catholik meaning of our Sauiour his words : this is my bodie, in the institution of his laste Supper through the ages of the Church from Christ to our owne daies. Whereunto is annexed a reply to M. William Reynolds in defence of M. Robert Bruce his arguments in this subiect: and displaying of M. Iohn Hammiltons ignorance and contradictions: with sundry absurdities following vpon the Romane interpretation of these words. Compiled by Alexander Hume Maister of the high schoole of Edinburgh
TypeEntire Document
Number of Pages68
Date Scanned2008
Document Date1602
CollectionCRC Gallimaufry

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